

导读 大家好,小思来为大家解答以上的问题。小孩的世界你不懂作文600字,小孩的世界你不懂这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、- -


1、- - 开头的话可以去借鉴一些优美有文采的语句。

2、 中间就写自己的感受,可以分层次写 可以在每段第一句总起一句比较优美或富有哲理的话 结尾可以点题,优美些Actually you dont understand me at all, since the first day i met u, we make friend until now.you always demand a lot and i start thinking myself am i owed in previous life, fated to repay the sorrow that i have done before,maybe you are right you always tease me saying that nobody can change the secret of palnetary rule, remain the same i owe you..i am now starting adapting it and start change the destiny, instead of repay you with kindness, i starting to slavary you and i had found out that the destiny atlast is you will benefit me the this planetary field.。
